Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tenacity and Eagerness

Tuesday, June 5th Daily Readings:

Today the Word challenges me in so many ways. It always does, but I think today something special was brought up by the Spirit when I was in prayer. The words of Peter resound deeply in me: "Be eager to be found  without spot or blemish before Him, at peace." The Word invites me to go deep within my heart and look honestly at what moves my steps, what motivates all I do. In other words, "am I eager to become a saint?"

Eager: "keen or ardent in desire or feeling; impatiently longing." This is what the dictionary says. Is my desire to be seen by Jesus as another Christ here on earth really ardent? Am I impatiently longing to be seen by Him as someone who has been transformed by the Word? Hmm.... is it like being on fire or more like "well, when my time comes, I will handle it when I get there?"

No doubt! There is a great need of conversion on everybody's part. I need to start, or start again, to live life in the right way. Today is the day when I can point my compass again towards the North and go.

What to do? Peter, in his letter, gives me some points. "Be on your guard not to be led into error by the unprincipled and to fall from your own stability." The first thing to do, then, is to make sure that I keep an eye on what comes into my soul and mind. The "unprincipled" are not standing outside with big boards saying "do it wrong." They actually whisper something like "it's ok for you not to be loving to that person," or "it's ok not to do things in the way the Church wants it, what people like is more important" (big temptation for pastors!!!).

"Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." Ah! That's the turning point. By remaining in Him and grow in Grace and Knowledge we will all be able to stand strong on what is right. There is only one way to scattering darkness: turn on the light! And there is only one way of understanding where the errors lie: know the Truth!

Eagerness to live our lives as Christians comes from our attachment to Jesus. It's really a gift that He has already given us: we long for Him more than we long for ourselves. We just have to tap into this Desire that God has given us and live it out. We have to go to the Source: God. It is by His grace that we can approach Him. Once we are safely in His hands, we will be able to hear His voice and the undisciplined errors will become more evident.

Easy? Not at all. But we can take a step further every day by living the Word with tenacity

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