Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Be amazed by God!

Tuesday of X week/OT:  Daily Readings.

I continue to say my "yes" and live the Word of God in the simplest way I can, trying to invest all I have in the "food that does not perish, that the Son of Man can give" (Word of Life, June 2012)

Today I reflect on the strange command that God gives to Elijah: "Move to Zerephath of Sidon and stay there. I have designated a widow there to provide for you." I am personally familiar with these kind of commands. I have been asked to move many times in my life, sometimes the moves were easier but so other were way more difficult. I also know how it feels to be transferred to a difficult place, where resources are scarce, where there are no structure, etc. Many time I have responded: why me? why there? why going where there is always so much to do, where I can't even live comfortably like others do....? Elijah goes to a place that was arid, dry and moribund and he's supposed to find all his resources in a family where they cannot even take care of themselves. ISn't this a setup for failure? for a tragic failure?

What touches me is the faith that both Elijah and the widow have. They act against human logic. She doesn't even know who the strange man is, and still they act on the Word of God. The act as though there is a relationship of trust between each other. They act as though they know that God has put the other in their lives. It is in the simplicity of the obedience that they both see the wonders of God. Everything changes: they live in the wonders of God (see the Psalm).

It is very possible to focus only on the human aspect of our lives; looking at the resources and the support system around us. There is that need in us to know that we will be ok and a faith like this, a call like this, really upset this need we have. It seems that we want to do the will of God only after getting the resources, only after we know that people are in place, the money is in the bank and all is ready to go. Then we say: ok, Lord, what you want me to do.

It's human, true but we are called to live in faith. We are certainly called to make sure we have the necessary amount of bricks before we build our tower but at times we have to consider also the "God factor." God will intervene and open the way to different wonders.

In a very small part, I have experienced this myself. Nothing seems to make sense, and yet I continue to say "Yes" and I see new life around me. I hear so many people telling me the same thing. It's amazing what the "God factor" can accomplish in us.

How can I remain in God's wonders? I read the Gospel passage and I hear Jesus speaking of salt and light. The salt must not lose its flavor. The problem with the salt is that impurities attach themselves to the crystal making it impossible for it to release its flavor.

I must remain "pure," true to myself avoid getting these impurities onto me. It's not easy; but I have to remain strongly firm in the Will of God. Now, if I live the life of Jesus rather than mine, I have the possibility of truly remaing faithful to what God wants me to be. He is the true life, then I will live my life truthfully. If I live mine, I will mess the whole thing up.

The smartest thing we can do to ourselves is to live the Gospel becuase we will be living our true life.

Today, I want to say Yes to God as I live the Gospel and I want to live this day with the enthusiasm of knowing that I am part of God's wonders, I am part of God's miracle. I know that I will see great things today. I pray that I can live today with my eyes wide opened and allow myself to be amazed by God. 

Who knows what awaits for me out there. I better go and find out!

(c) 2012 Heavenwards; do not copy without permission. 

picture found at http://jameswoodward.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/amazement.jpg?w=510

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for returning to your blog. It is so inspirational and I include it in my morning devotional.