Monday, June 18, 2012

Seed life: Forget the wrongs received

Monday of XI/OT: Daily Readings

I continue my life as a "seed." I must do my best today to remain "small," allow my old self to die so taht I may become a plant in the Kingdom of God.

The Word today allows me to start by looking at my heart: how do I react when things do not go my way? when I do not get what I want? when I do not see things done in the way I want them to be done?

There is a big temptation in us, truly strong that wants us to assert ourselves at all cost. We do this both openly or in a more hidden way. We tend to manipulate circumstances, talking to people so they take our side and add themselves to the push I am applying so that circumstances may become favorable and, in the end, what I want becomes a reality. For many people, Jezebel is alive and well.

The Gospel gives me the antidote. Not too long ago, Jesus reminded me that He wants each Christian to live in a righteous manner, righteousness that is greater than that of the Scribes and Pharisees.

We live in a society where everything is based on "rights," nobody talks about responsibilities anymore. You cannot have one without the other, but this doesn't seem to be acceptable anymore. Of course, even the concept of justice is changing. Within this environment, the Gospel seems to ruin everything because it tries to change this way of thinking. Jesus introduces a new element and adds to justice something unheard of: love and grace.

We treat others not as they should be treated but as God would treat them, offering grace in love. This concept seems to be an abomination: if we offer love and grace to whomever wronged me, what happens to my pain, to my situation? does it mean I am not worthy? Does that mean that wrong is acceptable?

These are big questions that deserve to be answered. But we must be honest. Although we do not tolerate wrong, we have to realize that when we hold on to the wrong we have received, we tend to become unjust people. The lex talionis, an eye for an eye..., was given to limit revenge not to let it escalate. The issue of forgiveness is tricky: sometimes we hold a grudge only to punish the offender. And most often than not, we get angry because the offender doesn't seem to care about our grudge. forgiveness means to let go of the power the offender has and start anew. 

I have to find, instead, a new way of handling the wrongs I receive: expose them to God's love, to His grace and let Him take care of me. I want to remain firm in the Gospel knowing that if I live the "something more" a new fruit will sprout forth in due time.

... in due time. Like the time of the seed that lives invisibly underground, allowing itself to let the earth transform it into the source of new life. I know that the choice to forget the wrongs I receive today, a choice made in love and faith, can bring grace to others, new life to the one who offended me, and refuge to those who may be involved.

But, how can I live this page of the Gospel knowing that I, too, offend others?

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