Monday, May 30, 2011

The Easter Journey (so far)

This Easter Journey has brought us to a closer relationship with Jesus: He is always with us and He encounters us where we are in life. We learned that we cannot look for Him among the dead because He’s alive. Where, then, can we find Him? 

We can find Him in the assembled gathered in His name, to worship Him. The disciples were together when Jesus first showed Himself to them wishing them peace. Thomas unfortunately was not there; eventually, he too encountered the risen Christ once he joined the worshipping community.

Like the disciples on the way to Emmaus, we find Him in the Breaking of the Bread. It is when we celebrate His memorial that we experience the burning presence of Jesus in Scriptures and Sacraments.
We find Him in His word. He guides us like a shepherd guides his flock. How important it is for us to train ourselves in recognizing the voice of the Shepherd over those who compete for our attention and devotion. Just as it is matter of life and death for a sheep to recognize the voice and follow, so is for us: our eternal life depends on knowing the Voice of God in our hearts everyday.

We find Him in our lives when we pattern our own on His who is “the truth, the way and the life.” He is the true way of living our lives. Jesus is the incarnated will of God for everyone; looking at Him, we can truly see ourselves and how God wants us to be truly alive.

We find Him in Love, especially when, our of Love for God, we love one another. In every loving relationship we can see Jesus present in our midst. The more we becoming loving the closer we feel to God because He is love.

Where did you find Him?