Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"Eternal Rest grant unto them..."

All Souls 

Today, we take another look at the large multitude of people who were presented to us yesterday from the readings from Revelations. Today, we remember all those who died - from our first "parents" to the latest parishioner . They are our grandparents, our friends, family member, neighbors,... we are so connected to them and this bond will never be severed.

It's difficult to meditate on this topic. Culture has a way of "dressing" up death and to make it more acceptable. Why? Do we really gain something by avoiding this reality? I am amazed how respectful and honest the "ancient" were. One of the first rituals that we developed as humans was burial rituals. Death was part of their life. Nothing to be scared of.

How should we, who live the Adventure of Faith, approach this topic? Does it make any difference? Answers can be found in our hearts, in the depth of our faith. Death for us is not the tragic ending of the game of life. We look at death within the reality of the death and resurrection of Christ: yes, it is a bitter cup to drink because it is fruit of the original sin; but it is also part of the Will of God of a loving Father who waits for us on the other side. God is and will be there with open arms, rejoicing because His dream for us is being brought to completion - We will live united with Him forever.

Why celebrating the dead today? It's a wonderful reminder for all of us, living and dead, that life does not end. The bond we have with one another cannot be easily cut. Our love for our beloved allows us to remain united as a family. This should give us hope that, when it will be our time to see God face to face, we will leave behind a community of people who will continue to relate to us in love. Because Love is stronger than death that is why our bond is everlasting.

Just as in life, we can help each other: we can help our beloved dead by praying for them, so that they can continue to feel our presence and make sure that their purification process may be hasten by our love. We want them to be happy, don't we? Let's keep praying for them, then. They will intercede for us as well.

It's beautiful to see how our "family" will remain strong forever. Not too long ago, we meditate on the fact that  nothing can separate us from the Love of God. Neither death nor life... Today we are saying to each other, to our beloved dead and to God, that we have chose to remain united with them. Nothing will separate us from them, nothing... not even our sorrow, our loneliness and our tears.All these things we feel are witnesses of the great love we have for them. They should push us closer to them not way from them.

Love is eternal; therefore, today in love we pray that eternal rest may be granted to them.

1 comment:

John Glorioso said...

Like you said at Mass a few months ago as you responded to Ray S shirt "it is what it is" and death is one of those "It is....". Freud said "the goal of all life is death." He only went so far and not far enough, death is the direct outcome of our birth, not to be born means we can't share our eternity without being with God (being we do what is required from God). I believe the Saints had it corroect, if you give your life to God, beieve in His words and love Him, death means just a transition to another demension. I guess those who fear death may be those who is God in this world and may be overwhelmed by His greatness.