Monday, October 4, 2010

The Spark

Faith is a great gift; Jesus reminds us that it's not about the size of the gift but it's about using it, and stirring up the flame so that we can experience God's love in our lives.

How can we stir up the flame? What can we do, personally and as a community?


John Glorioso said...

There are several things we can do to enhance our faith. According to St. Augustine, one should not merely believe but seek to understand that which Christ has given us. The first activity is listen to the Word during Mass and focus and reflect on the homily. Either by recording major points of the homilies or reading the daily readings ourselves and maintaining a journal as to build upon them, review and try to put them into action.
Another way is to spend time reading spiritual books or other writings (alone or with others) in order to obtain a deeper understand and appreciation of Christ. One should not be bashful to express oneself in a group setting, their comment may open another’s understanding.
Whether we read books, magazines, religious web-sites or watch EWTN it is only part of the requirement. What is needed is to actualize our faith. Either by individually promoting the truth by our daily behavior or encouraging others to join our Church.

Fr Stanislao Esposito said...

I wonder if we should/could do things together... like reading and studying the same books.

John Glorioso said...

Is there any reason we can't? Kind of like a Bible study but focus on a mutual topic or author. The group might start with a book of about 200 pages, just to get comfortable and not to take too much time to read (get started) and meet weekly giving our impressions/ understanding. During our sessions we can report how the material impacts us and how we can put learned material into our lives as Christians.

Mary Collins said...

That's a good idea. I'd like to participate in that. Would comments go into the blog?