Monday, September 6, 2010


Are you a follower of Jesus or a Disciple?

What is the difference? The Cross. It is by picking up the Cross that we become more like Jesus. What does it mean for us, living today to pick up the values of Jesus and make them our own? Are we tempted to transfer our own values onto Him?

(Please, make sure you read the main entry on


John Glorioso said...

I have been taught in my career that discipline is the willful obedience to rules. Therefore, to be a disciple of Christ, one must "willfully" accept and follow His teachings. Following His teachings and picking up the cross means to put in action those things that have been in you homilies: to let go of prejudice, accept others as they are, drop all of useless baggage, and constantly strive to be one in Christ.

Mary Collins said...

I like the phrase "drop all useless baggage." That really covers a lot of things, both physical and emotional/intangible. For the last 5 years I have worked pretty hard at de-cluttering my life, both in ridding myself of unnecessary "stuff" in the house, and unnecessary "stuff" in my head and heart. I've found letting go of "stuff" is a lot easier if when I look at the thing I ask myself, "Do I need this to survive?" and "Does this bring me closer to God and heaven?" Amazing how much we can do without...and equally amazing what comes into our lives when the clutter leaves.