Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Visited and Visiting.

December 21  - Readings of the Day

Today is the shortest day of the year. The theme of the increment of light seems to be present in the Word as well. The light of the world is coming to bring us out of darkness, to put an end to the trials of this age. The blinking lights I see all around me seem to tell me about Him, too. Immediately I think, do I let His light shine through me? Do I rejoice at His arrival? Can I imagine a world without light? What difference does Light make?

These last days of preparation are becoming quite challenging for me. Yesterday, I thought that the "favored by God" lifestyle would be easier to achieve. Yet, I found it at times hard to focus and really consider myself and my neighbor as God's favorite. But I tried harder than ever to live this reality and I kept saying "Fiat," let it be done to me according to your Word.

Today, as I meditate on the Word I asked myself a question: while we are all preparing for the Coming of the Lord, what is God doing? I realized that He is preparing as well, for our coming to Him. Like the husband in the first reading, He looks forward to His coming home where He and His Bride can live in love and in intimate union. He, who created the world, longs to live in us.

I can see this longing even in the Gospel reading. The arrival, quite unexpected, of the Lord marks the newness of times. Ancient Israel experienced God's presence in the Ark which they will carry with them everywhere they went. Now the place of God's presence has been changed: no long a thing but people carry the Lord's presence. Just like Mary brought Jesus to Elizabeth, each one of us who have said Yes to God and let Jesus be born in us have the responsibility to bring Him out into the world. The Angel didn't tell Mary to go visit Elizabeth but the Lover cannot wait to encounter the Beloved and so she takes the journey to bring Jesus to her cousin. Love is dynamic, can't be stopped

Do I wait for His coming like the Bride waits for her shepherd-husband coming after a long time away? Do I long for the love and intimacy that He brings to me? Do I bring Jesus-in-me to others? How do other people react when I am present: do they feel blessed by the presence of Jesus in me? or threatened? or indifferent?

What a responsibility! In the story of the Visitation, I enter into the reality of God coming to me through another person; also, as someone who believes in God and wants to live the Gospel, I also see myself like Mary who brings Him into everywhere I go. 

How can I become aware that He has changed me into a living and movable "Ark" of the covenant? How can I protect and defend the new born King so that nothing in the world can damage Him?

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