Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter: Let God roll the stone back

This has a been a journey focused on transformation: God has a specific plan on us and He is willing to do whatever it takes to bring it about. If we let Him, He will wash our feet and take away the mud the world puts on us. If we let Him, He will open the doors to Heaven for us as He took on Him all that separates us from God.

If we let Him, He can roll back the stone on the tomb and allow us to experience New Life, experience Him alive and living in our midst. God is not dead, but too many look for Him among the dead. They will never find Him, and yet, they are those who go around in the world saying that “God is dead.”
God is alive. In Jesus, God has accomplished the unthinkable: He who was “in heaven” is not living in our midst, we who were His enemies have become friends and now able to share His life in us through Baptism.

If we let Him wash us in this living stream of new water that He provides, we will be able to see that we are His children. And Life can start again.
What will it take? and, how will this new life look like? Can you imagine: living a life with a heart as big as the world?

This is the beginning of a new era for each and everyone of us. this is the time when we can taste the Newness that we long for.

I am ready to follow Him; who else will join me?

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