Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Jewels on the King's Crown.

I am still thinking about the feast of Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe.

And I am still thinking about the conversation between Pilate and Jesus. I can't stop thinking about the big challenge it brings me.

How do I know that Jesus is the King? Is it because someone else told me? or is it because I experience Him as King? Honestly, it's not easy to give an answer. My belief began by believing someone else. But that belief now has become my own. When I live consciously the values of the King then I experience His rule. Considering that He establishes His Kingdom in love it is only in and through Love that I experience God alive in my heart.

And, when I look around, I see that His kingdom is everywhere and so many people are working so hard to live the values of the King. I have been so inspired by some of these people. I do not know if they are Christians or not. And it does not matter to me a bit. I consider these people as true Jewels on the King's crown.

The first one is Antoine Leiris, the husband of one of the victims in Parish. His facebook entry and interview made me cry. I didn't cry only because of the pain he and his son are feeling but because of the great courage this mas has to believe that hate is not an answer.

The other Jewel is Adel Termos, of Beirut who tackled down a second suicide bomber. He was taking a walk with his young daughter when he spotted the terrorist. In a split second he decided! And his sacrifice saved countless lives.  He leaves behind his wife, Bassima, 6-year-old daughter, Malak, and 2-year-old son, Akram.

These are signs that behind so much darkness some people still let their light shine. 

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