Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Lent, Ashes and Special Time

Ash Wednesday - Readings of the Day

I can't believe it's Lent again. I feel as though only a few weeks ago I finished sending my Christmas "Thank you" cards. It's an interesting experience, though: realizing that Time passes by, too fast, and I can't seem to catch up. Why? I have been obviously focusing on so many things except the "present moment."

Lent is a special time, when together we take a special journey for a very special reason; we are not vagabond but pilgrims - we have a goal, a destination. The goal is a stronger Union with God.

It's a time of retreat, of meditation. It's God-Time, that which doesn't seem to pass and yet it's always new. We have to enter into this kind of time and look at us from the point of view of God.

The journey of Lent has two elements: one that is always the same and one that changes. The part that is always the same: reception of Ashes, "Giving up something," prayer, fasting and almsgiving. The part that is (or should be) always new: the part of me that needs redeeming, needs to be united with God, needs to be reformed.

(for example: What one gives up must be somehow attached to this part. One could give up chocolate if he realizes that I find consolation in food, in sweets, etc; another could give up Television if she depends on entertainment in order to avoid silence, and reflection. Yet, others could give up alcohol if they rely too much on the exuberance or escapism that it creates in them. And so on...)

Lent is more than just "giving something up." It's opening up to God who wants to do something New in us - wants us to create a new life in us. We give up and fast because we want to open ourselves up to HIs love and love Him as He wants to be loved: by caring for others (alms-giving). And love is always based on a relationship (prayer).

This is the day when the goals can be written down. Which part of my true self needs to be redeemed by God's grace? What can I do to open myself up to God so He transform that part of my self? What penance can I offer so that I can let Him transform me?

This Lent must be different from the previous one because I am different from last year.What I am going to do to respond and move closer to God but must different as well.

Am I ready for this new Journey? This is God's special time. It's OUR Time together. My Yes to Him begins with Ashes and will end in the great light of resurrection.

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