Wednesday, October 26, 2011

one heart. two loves. one revolution

Jesus does something amazing: he brings two great commandments and puts them all together, making them into “his” commandment. In doing so, He started a great revolution, which is at the heart of Christianity: it’s impossible to separate our love of God and love of neighbor. Now we know that how God wants us to love Him: by loving our neighbor.

The true measure of love is love without measure. This is what is at the heart of the Gospel. By placing the two commandments together Jesus has lifted us up and now we are able to see God. Like a loving parent who lifts a child up and talks to him face to face.

We love our neighbor in the same way we love God: “with all our hearts” - love is a response from the innermost center of our live. “With all our minds” - sometimes our love requires some creativity, some attentiveness, something that makes us go deeper and farther. “With all our soul” - allowing the person who is next to us to be considered as the only one in the world. God-in-the-neighbor is the One we can encounter every day and in every moment. Understanding this, we know that we can never be alone, we can never be separate from Him.

We ought to strive to love God with two loves (that are actually the same): for Him and for Him-in-the-Other. These two loves are not exclusive but they both need to be there if we want to grow in the image of the Son, if we want to do His will.
How do we know if we are loving God with these two loves? Jesus said that on these two commandments the whole Law and the Prophets rest. For us, then, it means that we can check if we are making progress by seeing how quickly, how well and how strongly we love others. Should a situation rise and asks me to make a choice, I have to ask myself first: which one will allow me to love my neighbor? then, which is more “convenient” or suitable for me?

“In Love, what counts is to love.” Then, let’s all say yes to His will and focus on Love

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