Tuesday, November 2, 2010


(please, first read the entry in My Journal section at heavenwards.org)

If the story of Zaccheus could be used as a way to see our spiritual life, where are we? in the crowd? looking for a tree? hidden in the tree? at home, having a party with Jesus?

or are we still wondering what is this fuss about Jesus is all about?

1 comment:

John Glorioso said...

My ultimate goal is to sit down face to face with Jesus and have a relaxing conversation. I can remember the most secure and comfortable I felt was as a 5th. grader making a visit to church during my first recess. Since then I look forward to my quiet time and,as you encouraged,to listen to Christ. During my non-formal prayers, I mentally converse with Him. To increae my ability to converse I continue to read various materials to gain a better understanding of Him and seek His guidance and help. Of course, I approach different encounters with folks and attempt to see Jesus in them. Many times it is difficult but I still try.