Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Journey Begins with a Choice

Thursday after Ash Wednesday - Daily Readings

The Journey really begins today. After the big celebration of yesterday, with Crowds and Ashes, we take our first steps. God immediately helps us to remained focused on what this is all about: LIFE.

Life. As I look around, as I read in the newspapers, watch on television and as I hear people speak, I am growing more and more aware that we are losing the meaning of this word. We live our life, yes, but we don't consider it for what it is anymore. We are so used to it that we have cheapened it.

I am pro-life. Not only in matters of abortion but in matters of daily life Living life fully; abundantly, as Jesus told us. I am pro-life because clearly God is. It's not matter of being just pro-birth; life must be lived everyday, and we can only do that if we remain attached to the source of true life.

We have become indifferent to life and this is the worst situation ever. I believe we passed the "culture of death" stage. Now, people don't seem to care about life itself.

How can we, therefore, make sense of what God is telling us today? "I offer you a choice: life or death? It's up to you but I really, really want you to choose life." I can hear many people saying, as they shrug their shoulders, "Whatever!"

We cannot journey without this choice. We can choose Life, and even though we may not really feel excited about it or understand what this really means, we can trust in God and, by faith, jump in.

Jesus tells us how to do this. With God things always seem to work "upside down." He tells that the best way to start expereicing Life is to lose one's life. Jesus is proposing us a very strange logic. It is the logic of the Cross, of the seed that dies in order to bring life.

We are to die to ourselves in order to live our life. This is, after all, what's behind Lent, behind our Lenten Practices and "sacrifices," behind our commitment to Journey with Jesus.

It means that I have to choose to "die" to my own selfish desires, to that voice that is in me that wants me to do everything my own way (this is a form of fasting from one's own desires). I have to choose to bring life: to make sure that during this Lent I can focus on others first (this is also a form of almsgiving).

I am ready to die to myself and be the first to give life, the first to love. What a plan for Lent!!

I found this note in a notebook I have: today, make two lists - on one I can write all those things that I do, as habit or skills or choices, that have been impacted others positively. On the other, I can write all the thigns that always create conflict with others. WIth God, as I look at Jesus on the Cross, I can start choosing which one we can start uprooting.

It's the "heart" of the Journey - choosing Life at all cost, the Life that God has made it possible for us to enjoy.

Let's put our trust in God and continue to live our life fully. Everyday. The whole day.

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