Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Faithfulness and Prostitution

I don't usually see the link between Faithfulness and prostitution but somehow it became clear today as I meditated on the Word. I see it as clear opposite - spiritually, being faithful means to be exclusively fixed on the love relationship one has with God in faith; the opposite, then, is the tendency of finding elsewhere - in the likenesses and images of gods - the comfort, ease, consolation that God promises us.

Clear opposite! The difference is even more evident when I call "unfaithfulness" by the real name, "prostitution." I need to handle this and resist the temptation of making it sound more polite or even politically correct. It is what it is: when someone claims a relationship with God and then finds what God gives in the embrace of someone or something else and pay for what God gives us for free ... well, it's a type of prostitution.

In the first reading (zep 3:1-2,9-13) I see the consequences of this infidelity. One kingdom has already been destroyed and the other is close to share the same fate. Yet the prophet doesn't seem to be concerned with that but with the internal divisions - within the People of God there is a group of people who think that they do not need to repent because they are "good enough." Because of this arrogant attitude they are not able to see what is about to happen: destruction. But this destruction is not total; there is a group of anawim, the poor of God, who remain faithful. They function as a seed of hope. They are dependent on God and struggle to remain faithful. The secret? The consider doing His will, acting on His Word more important than what they feel or think.

I can see this lesson in the Gospel as well (Mt 21:28-32). Two sons, both having a deep and intimate relationship with the father (or at the least in words). Both are given the same opportunity to do the Will of the father and act on his word but there are two different attitudes with two different results: the difference is faithfulness.

What about me? Am I willing to sign up for the anawim or do I continue on my  own thinking that I am good enough for God (which means, that I really don't need a savior and messiah in the first place...)?

I am called to be faithful. It's a struggle but God seems to be more concerned with my struggle to be faithful than with the results of this struggle. As matter of fact, the more I fail the more I become dependent on Him. The more I become dependent on Him the more I discover that... I am a anawim.

Let it be done according to your Word, then. I am going to say Yes again today.

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